Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lovers of Afrika

If I breath a silent song
with a hand planted into my heart
and my eyes leak an abundant memory
of water and blood
that travels a thousand miles in deserts and plantations,
cosmopolitans and neo-others
refurbishing, renewing, reclaiming and recapturing
the future
as it glimmers like sun and moon

i remain dear to you
becouse you know me,
My weak ness and strength
my magic and mistry
for my hand that contineus to cultivate this earth
with patience,humility and love
is simply rooted in your heart
and therefore
I kneel
before the mountains and sea's
marveled, enchanted
my heart pounds like a Dum Dum Drum
yet the silence is still pristine
like the love you give to me
My Afrika

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